What is the Fund for Camp?

The Fund for Camp aids Presbyterian camp and conference centers by providing financial support to the resources that strengthen them.  As we look back on the 100 years of Presbyterian camp and conference ministry on this continent, it is important for us to remember the key people who sustained these ministries for the first century of our history.

Who will step forward to support these camps and conference centers for the next 100 years?
How can we strengthen all of these ministries with one effort?

A $3.3 million capital campaign has been launched in order to raise funds for the organizations that help Presbyterian camps and conference centers.

This fund will focus on three main areas:

  • The creation of a new position in the Louisville office of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that will focus exclusively on the work of our camps and conference centers. The Associate for Camps and Conference Centers will be an endowed position that will support these important ministries– regardless of budget cuts in the national church.
  • The support of the Presbyterian Church Camp and Conference Association will allow this “grass roots” organization of camp and conference professionals to continue to grow. This group offers so much in the way of programs and resources, but they are constantly seeking new ways to strengthen their ministries and to support one another.
  • The support of the Consultants Network is important as our camps and conference centers look for new ways to serve the churches in a changing world. Our denomination has a team of experienced consultants who are available to work with sites seeking to make changes in staffing, in facilities, in financial support or in mission. 

To learn more about the three areas and how they will be supported by the Fund for Camp, please click here. For a brochure (in a pdf format) that fully describes the Fund for Camp and its mission, please click here.

The Fund for Camp (or Hostetter Fund) was created in memory of Donald Allen Hostetter (1929-2007). Don was a mentor, visionary and friend to camp and conference professionals from across the denomination. He served as the Director of the Holmes Presbyterian Center (Holmes, NY) and was the founder of the Consultants Network. His service to camps, conference centers and the national church continues to inspire these ministries. Just as the life and service of Don Hostetter touched the ministries of so many of the camps and conference centers in this denomination, the Fund for Camp seeks to sustain these ministries by funding the organizations which support them. To learn more about Don Hostetter’s life and his contributions to the Presbyterian Church (USA), please click here.